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【be connected with@网站小助手】:今天小迷助手分享的内容是——be connected with 和to区别是什么?connected,with,区别,,,,,小迷将详细内容整理如下: be connected with 和to区别是什么?
be connected with 和to区别是什么?

be connected with 和to区别是什么?

be connected with和be connected to的区别为: 一、指代不同 1、be connected with:与...相连/联系 2、be connected to:连接到 二、侧重点不同 1、be connected with:侧重于主动连接对方。 2、be connected to:侧重于对方要求连接自己。 三、引证用法不同 1、be connected with:正式用语,基本意思是松散的“连接”,指所分离着的事物在某一点上相互接触,但又各自保持着自己的独立性。 2、be connected to:既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,多接名词或代词作宾语。

be connected to和be connected with的主要区别,如何判断?

be connected to和be connected with的主要区别,如何判断?

be connected to和be connected with的主要区别: 1、be connected to和be connected with都是被动结构。 2、be connected to :把...连上,例如。 3、be connected with :把...与...连接起来。 拓展资料 be connected to 1、All computers will be connected to numerous data bases through high-speed data networks. 所有的计算机将通过高速数据网和许多数据库连通。 2、Each point should be connected to the next in series by a line. 每个点都应该通过一条线连接到级数中的下一个点上。 3、This is the market you want to be connected to today. 这是一个如今你想要接通的市场。 4、This does not imply that this pin must be connected to the digital ground of the system. 但这并不意味着该脚必须接到系统的数字地。 5、It also can be connected to the obstetrical information management system. 它还可以联接到产科信息管理系统。 6、Also enterprise applications can be connected to the service bus. 此外,企业应用也可以被连接到服务总线上。 be connected with 1、Still more circumspectly did they avoid in their talk all that could be connected with the dead man. 她们在谈话中,一切与死者可能有关的事情,都尽量地、更加小心地回避。 2、He did not like to be connected with the woman who had painted those pictures. 他并不想和那个画那些画的女人接触。 3、The lens can be connected with the CCD part by a retractable shading cover. 在镜头和CCD部件之间通过可伸缩的遮光罩相连接。 4、Here we try to be open, be connected with buddha nature. 在此我们试著开放,与佛性相连结。 5、They can also be connected with breather pipe through the connector installed in the pendant. 他们可以通过安装在下摆内的连接口与呼吸道相连。 6、I thought it might be connected with his work in iraq, some kind of cover-up. 我想那应该跟他在伊拉克的工作有关,某种掩饰工作。