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【企鹅家族英语@网站小助手】:今天助手分享的内容是——企鹅英语是什么?企鹅英语,,,,,将详细内容整理如下: 企鹅英语是什么?


企鹅的英文单词是:penguin  读音:英 ['peŋɡwɪn]  美 ['peŋɡwɪn]     释义:n. 企鹅 复数: penguins 例句:The penguin is a flightless bird. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟。 词汇搭配: penguin egg 企鹅蛋 扩展资料 相关词: emperor penguin 英 [ˈempərə ˈpeŋɡwin] 美 [ˈɛmpəɚ ˈpɛŋɡwɪn] n.帝企鹅;皇企鹅 1、The coldest continent in the world is ruled by the funniest and warmest species on the planet-the emperor penguin. 地球最冷的洲被最亲切可爱的物种帝企鹅统治着。 2、A news report said that the emperor penguin population is declining because the birds'icy environment is melting away. That's right: The emperor has no floes. 一则新闻称帝企鹅种群正在退化,因为这些鸟儿的冰雪环境正在融化,这就验证了:帝国不能建立在浮冰上。



企鹅的英文单词是:penguin  读音:英 ['peŋɡwɪn]  美 ['peŋɡwɪn]     释义:n. 企鹅 复数: penguins 例句:The penguin is a flightless bird. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟。 词汇搭配: penguin egg 企鹅蛋 扩展资料 相关词: emperor penguin 英 [ˈempərə ˈpeŋɡwin] 美 [ˈɛmpəɚ ˈpɛŋɡwɪn] n.帝企鹅;皇企鹅 1、The coldest continent in the world is ruled by the funniest and warmest species on the planet-the emperor penguin. 地球最冷的洲被最亲切可爱的物种帝企鹅统治着。 2、A news report said that the emperor penguin population is declining because the birds'icy environment is melting away. That's right: The emperor has no floes. 一则新闻称帝企鹅种群正在退化,因为这些鸟儿的冰雪环境正在融化,这就验证了:帝国不能建立在浮冰上。